Optical Inquisitor 17+ v1.0.6 - MEGA MOD

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A crazy scientist
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Version: v1.0.6

Root needed? NO

Can be played Offline? YES

Game description:
Its the year 1988 and our hero, Tommy Rissken has been betrayed by his friends and had to serve a prison sentence for 8 years.
Now he's back with a vengeance. With your help, he'll get his revenge on his 'friends' and be able to return to his daughter.

Features of Optical Inquisitor (17+):

- Excellent Sniper mechanics
- Great ragdoll physics, destructible bodies
- Racing and Underground Gamblers Club
- Great cartoon animations
- Amazing 80s style new retro wave soundtracks
- Build your own weapons
- A lot of interactive elements in levels
- Old 80's style cell phones

Google Playstore link:
Mod Features:
Full Version Unlocked (all levels)
No Advertisements
No Censors

Installation Instructions:
To install this game, download the .apk file below, if you're from pc, move it to your Android device, then tap on the .apk file to install it. Also, ensure you uninstall any previously installed version if you do have one.

Credits to: Me (Sbenny)

Download link(s):
Downloaded 1 times


A crazy scientist
Staff member
SB Mod Squad ⭐
✔ Approved Releaser
Active User
Optical Inquisitor 17+ v1.0.6 - MEGA MOD was released by Sbenny and 4296 people like you already found this fantastic release! Find this and over 20,000 unique Android Games & Apps like this at sbenny.com, here since 2014 to serve the best Gaming Community in the world with hundreds new, safe and amazing releases every day.